We started day 6 by visiting iFood, which is a Brazilian food delivery/technology company. They are one of the largest companies in Brazil and are integral to Brazilian society currently. They are quite similar to Canadian companies like SkipTheDishes, but the main difference is that many iFood drivers drive motorbikes as opposed to cars. They gave us a presentation about the company and then we toured their building. It reminded me a lot of tech companies in North America with many amenities on the premises.
In the afternoon, we went to the GE Healthcare building to learn about manufacturing and tour that building as well. The presenter was incredibly knowledgeable about medical supply equipment and it was an informative presentation.
It is interesting to learn how much more important ESG standards are in Brazil compared to North America. All companies we have heard from have mentioned ESG in their presentations as an important part of their business while in North America it is more of a footnote.