Today we started off at CUBO, a company that helps connect entrepreneurs/start ups with large corporations for mutually beneficial relationships. There are a few requirements for a company to pass before than can be accepted into the CUBO environment such as already having a base amount of revenue, basically to prove that product/service works and could be beneficial for others. Corporations are also very interested in this relationship because if they have a need for innovation, new offerings or solutions to current problems, they can look to the startups to help them. After a while the start ups can either continue to grow on their own or merge into a company they have been working with closely. Brazil has one of the largest entrepreneurial populations in the world so this is a great business that can help them grow into something more.
After our tour at CUBO, we headed to lunch at the “Come Here” restaurant/buffet and all enjoyed lunch together. We also headed to the mall for a short time after before heading over to the Canadian Consulate. At the Consulate we met with the Trade Commissioner and the Assitant Consulate General to talk about about international export and import practices, and give a presentation. The three the export projects were on Nutrien, Telus Health and BioConscience presenting an export plan on how they should enter or expand in Brazil. The presentations all went well and we all received valuable feedback from the Trade Commissioner and Assistant Consulate General. They spoke on how their roles work and how companies have successfully expanded or sold in Brazil with the help of them. It was a great, long day and we all enjoyed dinner together after.