On our fourth day in São Paolo, we started off by visiting Cubo Ítau, which is a business hub for startups. The work by charging a fee similar to rent for their spaces and their employees connect startups with larger corporations. It reminded me somewhat of the EpiCentre program at the University of Windsor, and we went up to the roof to get a tour. It was interesting to learn how yesterday the cultures were so different in terms of Samba, but the business and startup culture seemed very similar to back home.
In the afternoon, we visited the Canadian consolate and I delivered a presentation about an export plan for Nutrien. The consolate officials seemed to really enjoy our presentation which felt very rewarding. This was my first time ever visiting a consulate, and it was a beautiful building. Afterwards, we had the opportunity to spend more time with our Brazilian friends. Tomorrow I am incredibly excited to visit the São Paolo stock exchange!