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  • Writer's pictureSydney J. Coss

Day 2 in Brasil!

Updated: May 21

I began today with the best breakfast from the hotel-a big plate of fresh fruit and a chocolate cappuccino. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. We then headed to MASP which was the most beautiful building with different styles of artwork and a cute gift shop + coffee. The pottery was beautiful here! Afterwards we headed to the market where the Brazilian students showed us all the staple drinks- cane sugar with lemon or bamboo or pineapple and whole coconuts!! It was awesome to see all of the amazing culture and dancing on the streets-completely unmatched to Windsor. We then headed for lunch and shortly after the subway. This was such a fast and convenient way to travel which I really enjoyed. We headed to Liberdade which had deep Japense culture and was a cool experience. We tried churros with Dulce De Laite and they were AMAZING! We headed to the mall aftwerwards where I got a 24 pack of worldwide KitKat flavours and couldn’t be happier. Onto the next day!

Fun Facts: The Subway is the fastest and most commonly used method of travel in São Paulo, whole coconuts are available for sale in most restaurants, students have prom after university graduation instead of high school.


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