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  • Matthew Demchuk

Day 2: Art and Culture in the City

Today was a day of great food, art, culture and a lot of walking! After a quick start to the morning we made our way to the MASP museum and meet up with our Brazilian friends. In the museum there was a wide variety of art, old and new, created by local and international artists. The only museum I've been to before was the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, which doesn't primarily focus on art so it was interesting to see the difference in museums not only by country but also by the kind of museum. There was many pieces from internationally know artists as well as local artists focusing on a variety of art. My personal favourite was a piece by Vincent van Gogh called "Passeio ao crepúsculo". There was a whole floor for Francis Bacon who had much more unique pieces than I have ever seen before. Overall it was a great experience and I am now more interested in art!

After the MASP, we ventured into the street markets and browsed for a few hours. I drank out of a coconut with the others and purchased some unique goods for family back home. It was similar to some of the outside markets back in Canada but a lot larger and had a vast array of different good including clothing, food, jewellery, figurines and more.

We then all ate a large lunch together and the students all went of to Liberdade, the Japanese district in the greater area and explored the streets for a while. It was a truly impressive immersion of another culture into Sao Paulo, the buildings and the commerce were all immersed in Japanese culture. The Brazilian students are very kind and guided us the whole way and back!

It was a great day!

...we also saw the 1000th McDonalds in Sao Paulo. It had great architecture, 2 floors and strobe lights!


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